With the cost of living going up, here are some reminders of how to save on your electricity bills!
TEN easy ways to save money and cut your electricity costs
1 Talk to your electricity company about which plan is best for you. Most companies provide options including direct debits at a flat rate all year round, pre-payment meters and low-use rates for people who are very frugal.
2 Most of your electricity bill will go on hot water so use less if you can. Set your washing machine on a cold wash and rinse your dishes in cold water. Take short showers instead of baths. Showers use 60% less water than baths.
3 Fix dripping taps. A dripping hot tap can cost $80 a year – but a washer to fix it costs less than $1!
4 If your hot water cylinder is old, keep the heat in by using a hot water cylinder wrap. These are available from hardware stores. Make sure the thermostat is set to produce a temperature of 55C at the tap (this will also prevent scalds).
5 Always turn the lights off in rooms when you leave them. But if you are using energy efficient light bulbs, it’s better to leave them on if you are returning within 10 minutes.
6 Appliances that have a standby function (such as TVs, stereos, mobile chargers, computers or microwaves) should be turned off at the wall. This can save you up to $75 a year.
7 Clothes dryers can be very expensive to run, so try not to use them unless you really have to. Heated towel rails are also expensive and cost around $120 a year to run.
8 Make sure there is generous air space behind the back of your fridge and try to locate it out of direct sunlight, or in a cooler room like the laundry. Don’t open the fridge door too often or leave it open.
9 Make sure you cool food before putting it in the fridge. Turn off your second or ‘drinks’ fridge – this could be costing you $190 per year.
10 When cooking, keep the oven door closed. Always keep lids on pots and use as little water as possible to cook foods. Simmer rather than boil food, and if possible use a microwave, which uses 30-40% less power than a conventional oven. Defrost food naturally if possible (in the fridge is best) rather than in the microwave.
We can provide energy efficient solutions by replacing light fittings with energy efficient LED fittings, and installing heated towel rail timers.
Energy efficient light bulbs use up to 80% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs, so you start saving money the moment you make the switch. They can also last more than 15 times longer than regular light bulbs. However, it’s important to get the colour right for the area they are going to light. A ‘warm white’ colour is suitable for lounges, hallways and bedrooms and a ‘cool white’ colour will be suitable for laundries, bathrooms and offices. Using energy efficient light bulbs is a great way to manage your electricity bills.
Lastly, to prevent accidents during the dark winter months, make sure you have plenty of outdoor lighting. Check that your sensor lights that are working correctly. Or if you don’t have a sensor light, get one installed or ask your landlord to have one installed.
Through efficient measures you can expect to take a big chunk out your power bills!
All the best! If you need help give us a call on 0274 984 762